Command and Processes Table - G
These tables list all commands and processes available in all Datamine Studio products. If your product has access to a command or process, the link on the left of the table displays a help file. If no link appears, the function isn't available in your product.
Symbols used in this table:
A green tick indicates that the module is part of the core system licensing for the specified product - no additional module is required.
X A red cross indicates the module is not part of the listed system and any commands held within it cannot be run (a separate product will be required).
� A blue diamond indicates the module is an optional extra for the specified system.
Note: For an explanation of the terms 'command', 'process' and 'macro command', see Command Table Introduction.
For Macro commands, see here.
Commands - G
Command Name |
Description |
More Help |
X |
X |
Generates a DTM or solid wireframe from a point cloud data file in memory. |
Command Help | |||
X |
X |
Generate a series of contours and an output grid model from input sample points. |
X |
X |
Generate contours from drillhole intercepts. Wireframes can also be generated |
X |
X |
Generate contours of the distance from the sample points. |
Generate a regular grid of strings within selected outline string data. |
Command Help | |||
Generate outlines (perimeters) from areas defined by multiple crossing strings. |
Command Help | |||
Similar to the generate-outlines command (used to replace crossing strings with perimeters outlining adjacent areas), but uses the first string used in the outlining process to derive attributes for the remaining strings. |
Command Help | |||
Load all (filtered) strings from a named string file. |
Command Help | |||
Load all (filtered) strings from a named string file. |
Command Help | |||
Get points into memory from a named points file. |
Command Help | |||
Retrieves a specified set of view parameters from a loaded section definition table; prompting for a definition definition file if one has not yet been loaded. (Design window only) |
Command Help | |||
Get data from supplied wireframe triangle and point files. |
Command Help | |||
Sets the gradient convention unit to degrees. |
Command Help | |||
Sets the gradient convention unit to %. |
Command Help | |||
Toggle the gradient positive value convention. |
Command Help | |||
Sets the gradient convention unit to ratio. |
Command Help | |||
X |
Create a grid of points to represent the average, minimum or maximum elevations of points belonging to multiple (and potentially overlapping) wireframe surfaces. |
Command Help | |||
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
define groups containing one or more lithology values. |
Make new string vertices, based on XYZ grid intersections. |
Command Help | |||
Set parameters for the display of the selected data set. |
Command Help |
Processes - G
Process Name |
Description |
More Help |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Perform a gaussian anamorphose transformation on a set of sample data. |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Transforms a variable Y with a gaussian distribution in a new variable Z, with any distribution. |
General field transformation. Fields are transformed using one or more standard GENTRA transformation functions, field (data column) names and constants. |
Process Help | |||
X |
X | X | X | X | GETSAMP produces a sample file from a desurveyed drillhole file. | Process Help | |||
X |
X |
X |
X |
The process provides a choice of methods to interpolate a grade into a block model. |
X |
X |
The GRIDDC process calculates the declustered weight for a set of samples using a gridding method. |
Process Help | |||
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Calculate grades and tonnages using results from a Gaussian anamorphosis. |
For Macro commands, see here.
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